Viziball Basketball analytics, Mobile Logo

Fri, Aug 16, 2024

Viziball Basketball analytics, Logo

Fri, Aug 16, 2024

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No game

Previous games

Ratio chart

This chart offers a classification of players based on a ratio between 2 insights (vertical vs. horizontal). The blue lines classify players/circles in 4 distinct parts. This makes it possible to estimate a player profile based on his positioning.

Team Trends

This chart helps to visualize how each team has evolved lately. Relying on this feature, anyone can make its own suggestions about how the trend will evolve.

This ratio shows which team has advantage on a specific stat.


This chart divides in 4 equal parts the selected stat ([STAT_SELECTED]) observed during the [NB_GAME] last games of each team.

Real data
''Real Data'' mode shows exact values and ''Trend Line'' mode shows overall trend for the selected stat


We don't have enough games to establish a coherent trend line yet.